Five Simple Things You Can Do to Feel More Energized During the Holiday Season 

Most people look forward to the holidays! It is a time of celebration, spending time with loved ones. They think about all the delicious food that they will get to eat as well as the family and friends they will get to see on these special days. Even though the holidays are a time to have fun, they can sometimes leave people feeling drained. So, what can you do to take better care of yourself so you can be ready for the next party?  

First, self-care should be at the forefront when it comes to the holidays. You can take 30 minutes before you go to sleep and do a facemask or take a bubble bath after being busy the whole day cooking for the family. After being present for everyone else, it is important to be present for yourself doing things that nourish you.  

Second, get enough sleep. One of the things that people neglect most in their daily life is sleep. We want to do all the things and we fill our day with task after task. However, sleep is an essential part of our well-being. When people don’t sleep enough, they don’t concentrate as well, and they end up feeling tired during the day. So, when the holidays roll around, it might feel tempting to only get a few hours of sleep. That might put you ahead of the game in the beginning but eventually you will feel the effects of not getting enough rest. Remember to make sleep a priority and you will be able to be more present for those around you during the holidays.  

Third, make sure you exercise. You might want to skip your workout since you are so busy cooking and cleaning for your family and friends. However, putting yourself first and taking care of your needs will allow you to be more helpful to everyone around you. Not to mention all the dopamine and endorphins that get released after getting a good sweat. Exercise will also help you have more energy to finish all your to-dos.  

Fourth, eat healthy meals that leave you feeling energized. The holiday food is delicious and since it only comes once a year, it is easy to overeat. However, eating healthy meals leading up to that big meal with the family can help your stomach not to feel so out of balance. If you decide to just eat whatever is placed in front of you and enjoy food to your heart’s content, that might be another way of taking care of yourself. Even if you end up feeling lethargic after having such a big meal.  

Last, but certainly not least, extend grace to yourself. Even with the best intentions, things might not go the way that you expect them to go and that is alright. When things don’t come out as planned, it is easy to feel stressed or frustrated or both, which doesn’t help the situation. Just remember to do the best you can with what you have and move on. If you forget to buy something, cook something, or just do something, embrace it and don’t go into negative thinking. This can definitely put you in the wrong mindset and might be damaging not only to you but to those around you.  

The holiday season is enjoyable for many reasons. People spending time with their loved ones, eating delicious food, and maybe even opening a few presents. I really like this quote from Katie Reed on taking care of yourself that says, “Self-care is giving people the best of you, not what is left of you.” 


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Grand Prairie, TX 75050