Ending Friendships

Saying goodbye to friends can be extremely hard, especially if you’ve known them for a long time. Sometimes, the longer you’ve known someone, the more memories you share with them. Friendships can end for various reasons; people may grow apart, their values might change, or life circumstances like relocation or

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Red Flags of a Problematic Friendship

Friendships are akin to romantic relationships; both require time and nurturing to flourish. It’s crucial to have friends in your life who support and accept you. However, when you meet someone new with whom you instantly connect, the excitement can sometimes overshadow warning signs. Given how rare good friends can

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How To Keep Healthy Friendships

Friendships are essential for becoming a well-rounded individual. The people we associate with can significantly influence the person we become. Having trustworthy individuals who genuinely care about us can help us become the best version of ourselves. But once we’ve found these friends, how do we nurture and maintain healthy,

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How to Make New Friends

Making new friends can be hard. There are many adults who struggle to put themselves out there. Especially when they have experienced rejection in the past. Even kids sometimes struggle to make friends because they are shy or maybe their parents never taught them how to engage in healthy relationships. Some

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First, what is gaslighting? Have you ever heard this term before? Chances are that you might have experienced this behavior with someone but didn’t know the right term for it. Gaslighting is when someone leads you to question your perception of reality, manipulates your memories, and affects your mental stability.

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One of the hardest things to do in life is to remember to speak kindly to ourselves. In consequence, self-acceptance seems like an impossible goal to achieve. With so many self-help books that promise to get you closer to that goal, it still feels like we will never get there.

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How to Get Your Children to Help with Chores 

We have all seen children trying to help their parents wash dishes or help dad put the trash out. Some parents prevent their children from helping around the house because they feel like their kids are too small and can’t do much. They don’t want their kids getting hurt. As

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Why Am I so Unhappy?  

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do you still feel unhappy with your life? You might think I have the perfect job, a big house, name brand stuff, family, and yet life still feels very empty. So, you ask yourself, why am I feeling so sad? What am

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What is procrastination? Why do people procrastinate? Procrastination is voluntarily delaying doing an activity even when you know this will bring you negative consequences. People procrastinate for many reasons. When people procrastinate, they build anxiety. To deal with this anxiety, people like to distract themselves with other things. This helps

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  There are many countries that value productivity above things like sleep. To be productive is to be seen with respect and admiration. People like to tell others how busy they are all the time. If a person says that they don’t have anything to do, they might be seen as

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Grand Prairie, TX 75050