How are the New Year’s Resolutions Coming Along?  

January is gone and it feels like this month flew by. At the beginning of the year, people were all motivated, ready to crush their goals. However, now that January is over, the fire that people felt in the beginning might be dwindling or maybe it is completely gone. When we were setting our new year’s resolutions, we envisioned this perfect path, without any troubles, where things just worked out by themselves to help us along the way. We imagined ourselves running on this road where we could see the finish line.  As you were running towards your goal (s), things started getting in your way. Eventually, something makes you stop completely and that goal that you wanted so badly no longer seems as important as doing a load of laundry for the family.  

If you haven’t been working on your goals, you might be asking yourself if it is a good idea to restart or just give up altogether in hopes of better times. Well, I’m here to tell you that it is never too late to restart on your new year’s resolutions. Especially if they truly matter to you. After all, the time will pass whether you work on your resolutions or not. Sometimes we tend to blame ourselves harshly when we don’t do the things that we said. However, life happens, and things get in the way.  The most important thing to remember is to be kind to yourself. There is no point in kicking yourself when you are already down. 

Use this time to regroup and see where you are at with your goals and if they are still worth pursuing or not. One of the reasons why you might have stopped working on your goals is because you never incorporated them into your schedule. If, for example, you were planning to work out 3 times a week, but never carved out the time needed to make it happen, there is a big chance it won’t get completed. When you treat the appointments with yourself, the same way that you treat appointments with people that you respect, you are more likely to get them done. Design your ideal week and see if you truly have time to work out. Remember to include your sleep, the time you spend at work, and other priorities. After that see how much time you have left. This will give you a very good idea of whether you truly have the time needed or not.  

Another great idea to incorporate if you are having a hard time sticking to your goals is to have an accountability partner. People are quick to take themselves off the hook. However, when it comes to letting someone down, they are more likely to do the hard thing, so they don’t disappoint the other person. We want to be liked by others. We want people to be in our corner, so we must keep our word.  

Hopefully these suggestions give you a starting point on how to get back on track. Maybe January is over, but you still have the rest of the year to accomplish your new year’s resolutions. Consistency is key! It is never too late to start, just start!  


621 NW 6th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050