Is it Time to End Therapy?

Now that you have been in therapy for a while, it almost feels like part of your routine, something that you do. We get so used to seeing our therapist every week that it might be hard to know when it is time to say goodbye. So, how can you know when it is time to terminate? Here are three signs that can help you decide if it is time to end therapy. 

  1. You achieved the goals that you set when you began therapy. For example, lets say you came to therapy because you were struggling with social anxiety and being in a room full of strangers sent you into a panic attack. Now that you have been going to therapy regularly, you find yourself no longer dreading social gatherings. Instead, you enjoy meeting new people and can walk around the room with confidence. At this point, it would be important to discuss termination with your therapist since your goals have been met. The issue that brought you to therapy no longer exists. It is alright to talk to your therapist about your decision to terminate and for both parties to come to an agreement.   
  1. After being in therapy for a while, you get to a place where you don’t have new things to discuss. If you feel like you are sharing the same stories, it might be time to terminate. It might also be an opportunity to discuss the impasse and why there seems to be no progress. Also, if you are no longer growing or gaining new insight, it might be best to end therapy.  
  1. Your needs have changed, and you need a different kind of therapist. Maybe you started therapy because you wanted to work on your self-esteem. As you made progress, you felt like you and your husband could really benefit from attending couples counseling. At that point, it would be a good idea to switch to someone who specializes in couples counseling to get the best help available.  

Therapy is a wonderful tool to help you empower yourself, not to make you feel like you always need a crutch. It is important to learn how to stand on your own two feet.   Remember that the door is always open if you decide to come back or feel like you need extra help. Termination doesn’t have to be goodbye forever. You can always do maintenance sessions where you just come in every six months or every year to make sure things are still going great. If you are having a hard time with termination, talk to your therapist about it and process those feelings. It is hard to end relationships, especially when we get so used to people being in our life. Enjoy the journey but also know when it is time to say goodbye.  


621 NW 6th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050