Morning Routine 

Mornings can be hectic for a lot of people. It is hard to find things especially when you are in a rush. When talking about mornings, what kind of morning do you currently have? Does it center around peacefulness, order, and tranquility. Or is it more hectic where you can’t find the things that you need, where you might be running late, choosing between doing this or doing that, or maybe you find yourself speeding just to get to work on time. Which morning routine best describes yours? Are you happy with it?  

The key to having a successful morning is having a good night routine. Sleep hygiene is very important. Your morning routine starts the night before. This means that you need to go to sleep at a decent time so you can wake up feeling rested and refreshed. If you are not going to sleep at the right time, what is getting in your way or tempting you to break your commitment? The hardest mastery to accomplish is the mastery of self. Can you say no to watching one more episode of your favorite show or turning off your phone instead of being on social media just so you can get a few more hours of sleep? Can you choose your future self instead of your present self? This can feel hard to do. Especially when you are having fun. Saying no is like taking the fun out of life and it doesn’t feel fair.  

At the same time, having a good morning routine can make a big difference on how your day will develop? We all get 24 hours to do as we see fit. Depending on what time you go to work and how long it takes you to do your morning routine will determine what time you need to go to sleep. It is recommended to sleep 7 to 8 hours.  At the same time, it is not necessary to spend 2 to 3 hours on your morning routine. Even waking up 30 minutes earlier than normal to do a few extra things for yourself can be extremely beneficial for your mental health. That way you can start your day on your terms and that can make all the difference in the world. When you conquer your morning, it becomes much easier to conquer your day. So, take the time to design your ideal morning routine and then implement it in your life. Spending time on yourself is always worth it. Remember, you are worth that and more!  


621 NW 6th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050