New Year, Better Me

Now that the new year is among us, the excitement of trying something new or something different has most people pumped up. For some reason, the start of a new year brings with it the opportunity for a clean slate. It feels like a fresh start. Like when you buy something and use it for the first time. You get it out of the package very slowly since it is the first time you are going to use it. Along with the new year comes New Year’s Resolutions! Maybe even a vision board… 

So, how can you achieve your goals/new year’s resolutions so when the end of the year comes around you don’t feel like you are still stuck in the same place?  

First of all, you have to define your goals in as much detail as possible. This should provide valuable information on whether the goal is attainable or if it’s the right time to embark on this endeavor. Maybe you need different things to get you started, etc. After that, break the goal down and figure out what you need to do every month, every week, and every day to achieve your goal.  

Second, make sure you are not trying to make too many changes at once. Change takes time and the more you divide your attention, the more likely you are to miss something. Consistency is key when you are trying to change or when you are starting something new. If you go at it too strong, you might do it for the first week or maybe even the first two weeks. Then as time goes on, that motivation might dwindle, and it might get harder to do what you said you were going to do at the beginning of the year. That’s why a lot of people sign up for gym memberships when the new year starts. The gym is full the first month, maybe even the first two months. But after that, people go back to doing the same thing that they were doing in the past, especially when things get tough. So, take it slow but be consistent! That’s how you win the race.  

Third, look for an accountability partner. It is easy to forget your goals/new year’s resolutions when you are doing it by yourself. If the only one that knows about your goals is your dog, you don’t have much of an accountability partner. Especially if your dog likes to nap more than you do. However, when you tell other people your goals or you promise to go to the gym with your friend or a family member, letting them down might make you feel remorseful. So, you decide to catch that morning workout class, just so your friend is not left disappointed waiting for you at the door.  

So, this new year, I would invite you to approach goals differently. We all want to make progress and be better than last year. We might feel extremely motivated since it is the start of the new year. However, true change comes when you stay consistent, especially when you don’t feel like it. Remember why this goal is important to you. Stay the course! If this is truly what you want, you will make it happen. If not, you will make a really good excuse. Either way, I hope you are happy with your result!


621 NW 6th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050