Night Routine

When you think about routines, what comes to mind? Most people do not have a good relationship with routines. Boring is often associated with this term and some people prefer to be more spontaneous, live in the moment, see what happens. They might feel like routines take the fun out of life. Routines make people feel constricted, so they discard them for something more exciting. People like to get to things when they have time, when they feel like it. However, this sometimes ends up backfiring. Things don’t get done and we end up running to meet deadlines.  

From the time we are babies, our parents try to get us in some type of routine, especially when it comes to sleep. If the baby or child does not get enough sleep, they often cry or get upset. Babies are all smiles and giggles if they feel well rested. As we start growing up, we fight routines. When mom or dad tells us that it is time to go to sleep so we can wake up early the next day to go to school, we try to bargain with our parents. Pushing our bedtime, a little bit farther as the years go by. When we get to be adults and live on our own, there is no one to put us in a routine of any sort. We can finally live the life that we always wanted. Except, are we making the best decisions for our well-being?  

Do you ever find yourself feeling tired during the day and telling others that you did not get enough sleep the night before? Did you go to sleep late and try to wake up early the next day? Are you relying on energy drinks or coffee to keep you awake or help you get through your day? This is where a night routine can be really helpful and set you up for success. It might be really tempting to stay up at night watching one more episode of the program that has your attention. Maybe you want to read a few more pages of your favorite book or just scroll through social media a little bit longer before you go to sleep. After all, you tell yourself, this is my “Me” time. I am going to do whatever I want after going to work and being productive the whole day. I deserve to treat myself. This all feels great at night. However, the next morning, all the things that you were planning to do end up not happening because you couldn’t wake up on time. Having a set time to go to sleep can help your body wind down. Doing the same things every night as you get ready to go to bed gives a signal to your brain that it is time to go to sleep. Having a night routine can help you fall asleep faster. Staying away from any screens at least two hours before you go to bed also helps your brain to get sleepy. Sleep hygiene is very important for your overall health.  

Routines can feel dreadful, but they will help you make the right decisions when you don’t feel like doing the right thing. Getting enough rest will affect the kind of day you get to have when you wake up. By putting sleep first, you are putting yourself first.  


621 NW 6th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050