
What is self-love? Self-love is being able to love yourself whether things are going great or not good at all. It is being able to extend kindness, grace, and compassion to yourself when you fall short. It is forgiving yourself when you make mistakes. Self-love means putting yourself first and taking the time to look within you to find your strengths and gifts. Another important part of self-love are boundaries. It is essential to identify your needs and wants. Knowing what you are feeling and what is causing you stress or discomfort can give you a starting point on the steps that you need to take to feel better.  

Sometimes we confuse self-love and end up missing the mark completely. Self-love is not being perfect or never making mistakes. Self-love does not have to do with how many degrees you have or how successful you are in life. Sometimes we think that if we criticize ourselves or shame ourselves, it will make us work harder and help us be more confident. As a matter of fact, the opposite is actually true. When we shame ourselves, we become brittle which just feeds into doing more so we can earn the love and acceptance of others. True self-love can only come from within. Remember that you are your biggest cheerleader!  

Self-love sounds so daunting and hard to achieve. However, it is possible to create new neurological pathways towards more positive thinking. Can you imagine a life where you practiced self-love? What would that look like? A life filled with more self-love can leave you feeling more at peace and give you energy. Instead of criticizing yourself when bad things happen, a person with self-love would talk to themselves with more kindness and respect. Knowing that you don’t have to be perfect and that you are worthy regardless of your achievements, the way you look, or how much money you have in the bank. 

Women who have self-love are less likely to be treated less than or engage in behaviors that could be detrimental to their future. People who lack self-love can often engage in relationships where the partner might be emotionally unavailable, exhibit codependency, or stay in a relationship where they feel disrespected. When you have self-love, you learn that a mistake won’t break you but instead it will help you grow into becoming the best version of yourself. The beautiful and unique YOU!


621 NW 6th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050