Why Am I so Unhappy?  

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do you still feel unhappy with your life? You might think I have the perfect job, a big house, name brand stuff, family, and yet life still feels very empty. So, you ask yourself, why am I feeling so sad? What am I doing wrong? What is everyone else doing right? Anyone in my shoes would be jumping up and down if they had the opportunities or the life that I get to live.  

The first reason why people might feel unhappy is because they don’t appreciate the life that they have and take it for granted. We tend to not pay attention to things when everything is working. If, for example, all of a sudden, your shower stops working, you realize how much you need hot water or to smell clean. Having an attitude of gratitude for your life will not only make you feel better, but it will also help you feel like you have enough.  

The second reason why you might be feeling unhappy is because what you are doing is not fulfilling. If you feel like what you are doing is not making a difference, you might be less likely to go to work. You might believe that nobody cares whether you show up or not. It is expected to feel unhappy when you are spending most of your waking hours in a place that you dislike. If you feel like life is passing you by and you want a change, find the career that you are truly passionate about and pursue it. No one can come and make that change for you. It is essential that you take that first step and move forward. You never know what is out there waiting for you until you try.  

The third reason why you might feel unhappy is because you haven’t dealt with your past trauma. You might have gotten used to ignoring your negative feelings. Maybe you go through the motions and isolate yourself, so no one notices that you are not doing so good. Maybe you don’t understand why at times you get sad over things that most people would consider neutral or why certain things trigger you. Maybe you are overly sensitive and get your feelings hurt easily. Maybe you have a hard time establishing healthy relationships. If you are tired of wondering why you think or do certain things, this would be a great time to look for professional help. Going to therapy can give you great insight and help you have a more fulfilling life.  

Last, maybe you are unhappy because you keep on comparing your life to everyone else’s on social media. It is tempting to look at your life and feel like you are lacking because you are not living an extravagant life full of luxuries like everyone else.  It might even look like they have the perfect dog, so well behaved while mine just runs rampant all over the house knocking things down. If you let those negative feelings simmer inside of you, you will feel more unhappy and less affectionate towards your less than perfect dog. Except your dog won’t understand what changed from one hour to the next and will just try to lick you more. It is important to understand that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Everyone has difficulties in life. It doesn’t matter how perfect their life looks from the outside, only they know the real struggles going on in the inside.  

To combat unhappiness, try to do things that bring you joy. If you like to read, when was the last time you picked up a book? If you like to be outside in nature soaking up that vitamin D, when was the last time you did something outside? Also, remember to practice self-care. No one can pour from an empty cup. The best way to take care of others is to take care of yourself first and then help everyone else. Last, invest in your relationships. The happiest people out there are the ones who have strong relationships with family and friends. Find people who accept you for who you are and value your authentic self. Remember, you are not always going to be happy, but you can still be content. Take the time to define what a happy life looks like and go after it. You are worth it!


621 NW 6th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050